Nikon D70 Review - Absolute beauty!
After dabbling in all kinds of Point & Shoot digital cameras boasting of zillions of megapixels, finally decided to purchase a dSLR to see what the fuss was all about. Nikon D70 has changed my concept of digital photography. I no longer worry about movie mode, live preview, EVF, shutter lag, recycle time etc. etc.
With the D70, it's all about:
- You
- The image
D70 is simply a medium that allows you to capture the image as YOU want it.
1. Instant start up.
2. A battery that never seems to get over.
3. Superb handling and cool sexy looks.
4. Can use almost any F-mount lens. The included lens with it's silent wave motor is a beauty by itself.
1. For $999.99 price point, there are None.
If you are serious about your digital photography, D70 is the way to go. Forget all the marketing junk that you hear about point and shoot cameras. They come nowhere near the quality delivered by this camera.
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With the D70, it's all about:
- You
- The image
D70 is simply a medium that allows you to capture the image as YOU want it.
1. Instant start up.
2. A battery that never seems to get over.
3. Superb handling and cool sexy looks.
4. Can use almost any F-mount lens. The included lens with it's silent wave motor is a beauty by itself.
1. For $999.99 price point, there are None.
If you are serious about your digital photography, D70 is the way to go. Forget all the marketing junk that you hear about point and shoot cameras. They come nowhere near the quality delivered by this camera.
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