• Nikon Camera Review: Nikon D70 Review - D70 is very nice

    23 April 2005

    Nikon D70 Review - D70 is very nice

    I just bought this camera, along with the kit lens. A pleasant surprise awaited at the camera shop - Nikon has bundled a bag, guide to SLR photography, 70-300 G Nikkor lens, and a 2 year warranty extension in a box as an add-on to the d70 kit.

    The add on box went for $279.

    Along with the camera, I bought a SanDisk 1GB CF card. I already had a Mac Powerbook (15" G4 1Ghz), and Adobe Photoshop CS.

    The camera comes with Nikon PictureProject, but with a serial number you can download additional software from Nikon, including Nikon Capture (free for 30 day trial, then $99 to register).

    If you use Photoshop, do not use the Nikon NEF/RAW plugin - use Adobe's Camera Raw 2.3. Camera Raw 2.3 allows you to adjust white balance and exposure, compensate for color shift, and adjust sharpening.

    Took the camera down to the National Air and Space Museum Udvar-Hazy center for a workout. I was very impressed. I shot the entire museum in raw mode - and got over 140 images on a 1Gb card. The .NEF format uses lossless compression, and the camera is very pessimistic in estimating how many shots you will get on a card. In raw mode, it initially estimates 91 shots on the card.

    Some people have complained about the d70 tending to underexpose, a trend which I did not experience (except when I blew a shot in Aperature Priority mode). One thing most people do not know is that you can upload a custom tone adjustment curve into the camera, so if you do not want to shoot raw mode, you can still customize the jpegs the camera produces (requires Nikon Capture).

    Overall, I am very, very satisifed with this camera. Take the plunge - you will not regret it.

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